Behavior of a Deviance workplace
1. Unsupported behavior
2. Workplace aggression
3. Motivated organizational aggression
4. Bad organizational behavior
5. Antisocial behavior
6. Employees vices
7. Application of revenge of the organization
8. Dysfunctional behavior
9. Professional Deviance
10. Counterproductive behavior
Types of Deviance …show more content…
It usually is the first behavioral process a person experiences after joining an organization. Practically part of the socialization process starts to happen before joining an organization and subsequently other parts happen after joining.
How it Reduces Workplace Deviance: Organizations ask employees to take on specific roles that have behavioral requirements. The most important three types of role behavior are pivotal (required), relevant (desired), and peripheral (tolerated). These role behaviors are learned in a series of role episodes that unfold during socialization process. The socialization process is a continuous process throughout a person's association with an organization, but it is most intense before and after the boundary transitions. The preventive stage of socialization creates expectations about life in the organization before a person has entered any organization. The person compares those expectations to the reality experienced in the entry/encounter stage. The entry or the encounter stage happens after the person crosses the organization's boundary and begins the first day of employment. After successful adaptation to socialization demands, the employee passes through the transformation stage. In this stage, the employee experiences the final adaptation to the organization's demands and