Exercising Promotes a Healthier Lifestyle
A good diet and sufficient rest are important to sustain a healthy lifestyle but are not the only things to consider. When performed properly, exercising provides countless benefits that can further improve your quality of life. Regular exercise is an essential part of efficient weight loss and weight management. Exercising can also help thwart several diseases and improve a person’s overall well being. Whether it is a sport activity, a workout regimen, chores around the house, or yard work, all these types of physical activity are beneficial. Adapting an active lifestyle through exercising can be enjoyable and rewarding.
Physical activity requires an individual to increase their level of exercising. According to Mayo Clinic staff, adults seeking a healthy lifestyle should include aerobic exercise and strength training in their fitness plans, specifically (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 2013): * At least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity — or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity — a week * Strength training exercises at least twice a week
Every person’s level, whether new to exercising or a seasoned trainer, will be different therefore tailoring a workout program is an open venue for each person to explore. Different stages of exercise intensity can be researched to identify which stage a person can start. For beginners who are unsure about overexerting themselves, a moderate intensity, aerobic activity such as brisk walking is generally safe for most people.
Some critics mention that physical activity may lead to a number of injuries. Exercising that involves moderate to high impact puts stress on the body. Even though this helps to build bone density, an individual who already has frail bones can damage a bone under the smallest amount of stress or impact (Tesch, 2011). This may hold true, however when performed correctly as
Cited: Weil, R. (n.d.). eMedicine Health. Retrieved May Saturday, 2013, from emedicinehealth.com: http://www.emedicinehealth.com/exercise/page9_em.htm