With a proven track record in supplying the highest quality accommodation, Portakabin hires and sells permanent and relocatable buildings. Clients include hospitals and schools, government ministries, universities and major business players such as Sony, Vodafone and Tesco. Its mission statement, as stated on its website, is: ‘To provide peace of mind for our customers across Europe through quality buildings and services’. It is the leading brand in this market with 16% of the UK market.
The field in which Portakabin operates is highly competitive with strong players. Portakabin therefore has to work hard to stay market leader, and maintains its position by making sure it has quality products and customer service. It has built a premium brand, based on a good reputation of providing high quality products and excellent service levels. If a company wants to be a leader in its sector it must exceed the minimal requirements, to differentiate itself from its competitors. It has the expertise and resources to deliver modern, attractive buildings quickly, efficiently and exactly to the needs of the client.
This means providing handy and secure ways for the customer to pay, a local service and ease of contact.
02_What is customer service?
A business cannot exist unless it has customers to buy the products it wants to sell. Customer service is the term used to describe what happens at the points at which the customer comes into contact with the business. Usually it is split into four parts:
This could be given by staff or be provided in other formats (such as leaflets) with the product.
This could be about the best or safest way to use a product, or specialist advice that might be needed. For Portakabin this could be the ability to provide all the services that make a quality working environment and full technical support.
In the case of Portakabin,