The medical record of the patient plays a vital part in his/her present and future health care. As the written documentation of the patient’s medical history, it is used vitally for the present and continuing care of the patient. Keeping and filing records in a secure place in order to protect the patient is one of the most essential parts to consider when storing sensitive information. If medical records are not filed correctly the record may not be found when it is needed. A patient’s record cannot be removed from any facility except by court order, subpoena, or as ordered by law so it is really important to have files in a safe and secure area with limited access. Today, types of medical records storage include filing cabinets and computers.
With the filing cabinets, medical records are stored manually and process of handling patients’ medical record all happen using the employee’s physical effort. Manual system starts from giving patients their own medical sheet and an identification card with their written basic information like name, age, address and unique terminal identification number, transferring records to the attending physician/healthcare professional, giving diagnosis and treatment, writing it on a record book, and finally filing it in its respective drawers. On the other hand, medical records stored and utilized in a computer are the automated one. Process of registering and keeping medical records are systematic and is paperless work.
Nowadays, the City Health and Sanitation Department-Health Center South is utilizing the manual process of handling and filing outpatient’s medical records. Thus, we cannot deny the fact that the process consumes extensive time in order to complete the task. Misfiling, duplication of records, space occupied and transferring of records are the identified problems in the current record filing system utilized by the City Health and Sanitation Department-Health Center South. With that, the