In my point of view, I think a hero is not only someone who acts in movies and wears fancy clothes or saves his lady from the bad guys, he is someone who stands for strength, bravery, and humbleness. We watch movies to see these action heroes fight for a good cause but we often ignore the real life heroes whom we confront everyday but still don’t care to appreciate their efforts. Forrest Gump, for example, risked his life to save his friend. While trying to save the friend, he came across several other members of his unit whom he saved as well. Sometimes, a hero performs amazing bravery that hold us in fear. Abraham Lincoln and George Washington are father figures who led our nation through times of crisis and
transition. Their leadership and example brought the country through the adversity and they are stand for strength to help people and the world. Many heroes combine these qualities. Martin Luther King, provided our nation with an example of how a man can bring about to world peacefully. He also performed bravery by risking and giving his life in pursuit of that dream. A hero has a different definition to everyone. They come in all shapes, sizes and colors. Firefighters, policemen, lifeguards, soldiers, doctors or even a simple man who risk their lives everyday to help us with their courage and humbleness. Soldiers fight wars on the borders to keep the civilians safe. Firefighters and policemen fight against criminals and control deadly by risking their lives. Ordinary men and women who fight incurable diseases like cancer, AIDS, mental and physical disabilities are also heroes because they have the strength to face life with a strong approach. These people who put their own life in danger to help another are definitely heroes in my eyes. To sum up, heroes should put themselves in danger to help others and expect nothing in return. But sometimes Heroes don't have time to choose or think about their actions. It is what they decide in those split-second instances that count. So a real hero is someone who stands for strength, face everyday challenges bravely and lives with humbleness.