The ability to communicate with seventy five of the Fund’s private equity investment firms is providing me with excellent experience and information on various investment strategies such as, venture, buyout, distressed and tactical credit. My experience includes daily activities, attendance of due diligence meetings and executive decision making conferences. Additionally, the completion of my MBA in finance will provide me with the knowledge, experience and the level of education that is typically required of a Private Equity Research …show more content…
My discipline structure and organization skills are a tremendous benefit to my current position and future career plans. Discipline was my number one strength on my “Strength Finder Assessment” and this strength is something that will help me succeed at my graduate education and work environment. Another quality that is helpful as a Financial Analysist is decision-making. I encounter situations where I have to analyze, assess and make pertinent decisions with regards to investments. Working with my manager has given me the guidance and strength to develop this skill and my continued research and involvement of valuations has enabled me to continue to enhance this qualification. My goal is to learn from my manager’s approach and logic on making decisions and eventually feel comfortable at all decisions that need to be incorporated into the Fund. Throughout this processes I will need to learn from both my achievements and mistakes, and eventually my consistency will show me that I have developed this skill set. Competency is a significant skill that is needed within the field of finance and investing. Focusing on my action plan of discipline, organization and decision making will help me achieve my short-term goals to fulfill the measurements needed for a Research Associate at a private equity