This is especially evident in the story of Levi, the tax collector in Luke 5:27-32. He visits and dines at Levi’s house and witnesses to many sinners. He also has a similar event with the tax collector Zacchaeus in 19:1-10. He is criticized for these acts by the Pharisees, but through them shows that, as mentioned above, His message is for everyone who will receive it.
A second way that Luke presents Jesus is as a teacher. A very common way the Jesus taught in the book of Luke was through parables. We see many parables scattered throughout Luke, such as the parable of the sower in 8:4-8, the parable of the lamp and jar in 8:16-18, the parable of the rich fool in 12:13-21, the parable of the lost sheep in 15:1-7, and so on and so forth. Parables are not only a vital teaching tool used by Jesus in His time, but are also a teaching tool that are continually used in churches and teachings in the present time as