What is Gripe water and its ingredients:
Gripe water is a water based tonic which is given to babies when they are in some unexplained discomfort like colic, , gas, indigestion, stomach pain,hiccups, etc.
There are many controversy regarding usage of gripe water and the primary reason was the composition. Years ago, when it was initially formulated, it contained a good amount of alcohol along with various herb oil, sugar and water. So, when unsuspecting mothers gave …show more content…
Artificial sweeteners is worst than the sugars. So, if you wish to buy to buy a bottle of gripe water, make sure to check the ingredient.
As there was more research of the effects of these ingredients on baby’s health, the composition has changed significantly and you will not find alcohol in any of the modern formulations.
Can gripe water be given to babies?
Though many claim to have given gripe water to babies as young as one month old, it is best not to give anything other than breastmilk for the first 6 months.
Is gripe water safe for babies?
There are conflicting opinions on the effectiveness of gripe water, but experts believe that gripe water could soothe babies simply because it has a lot of sugar. Do discuss this with your baby’s doctor before deciding to give gripe water to your baby..
What are the homemade substitutes to gripe water?
Gripe water is considered effective for problems like flatulence or gas, stomach pain, teething pain etc. The new formulations are mostly herbal and claim to have herbs like dill, fennel etc. There are many homemade remedies that you can try for these