Ms. Donohue
English 2 Gun Control A lot of questions were raised about the effects of everyone being allowed to carry guns. In the 2nd amendment it is stated “Right to bear arms”. It would be violate the right of the people if they will allow the gun control. There should not be gun control because it’s unfair for the people that use it for the right reason and gun control would not lower the crime rates.
First of all gun control would not be unfair for the people that use gun for the right purposes. Sarah Merkle a sport shooter would lose her chance of getting a scholarship if gun control would be passed. A student like Merkle wouldn’t be able to go to college because of gun control law. Basically, passing the gun control law would take away the chances for a student that depends for sport shooting scholarship. Guns are used for self-defense often and effectively; and it is as common as the offensive uses. Many citizens were able to protect themselves because of the gun. Even though some people will often think that guns will only bring harm they actually never consider how it would also bring good. Therefore it is very unfair for the people that use it for the right reason such as sport scholarship and self-defense. Second of all gun control would not change the crime rate that’s going today. The people that are for the gun control law didn’t consider the fact that it wouldn’t even make that much change. They think that allowing the gun control would decrease the crime rate. They wrong because they never consider that the gun is not the problem, but the people that used them for the wrong doing are the one who’s at fault at the crimes that happening. The people should be more knowledgeable about what the gun could do to someone to avoid committing crimes. It is very necessary to learn about so the people would stop pretending that it’s not their fault that they committed a crime because of not knowing what a gun could do. However