1. What factors made elBulli the best restaurant in the world? Which elements of the elBulli experience create value for customers?
Generally when you think of the best restaurant in the world you would expect a great location in a big city, a modern building, an excellent customer service and regularly opening hours. All of them have nothing in common with elBulli. It is just different.
It is really a challenge to place a reservation at this restaurant and it is even a bigger challenge to find the small inconsiderable building which is located in the near of an abandoned village in Spain. There is only space availability for about 50 diners and the restaurant usually is opened from April to September. So what made elBulli that special and why do they have about 1 to 2 million reservation requests each year?
This restaurant offers a completely new and unseen way of serving food with creativity. They do not serve food but they serve emotions as they try giving their customers new experiences which are totally unexpected before. So elBulli has the objective to surprise the customer and not offering what they expect or actually want.
There are many factors to be considered why this restaurant became such successful. One big reason is the head of elBulli since 1987 called Ferran Adrià. He changed the kind of usual gastronomy and created a completely new way for cooking. His target is not to copy the good things but to create unexpected and new recipes to inspire feelings within the diners.
Another important reason is the gaining of knowledge concerning new technology and equipment. The creativity team of elBulli is always searching for new techniques and ways how to prepare food. For this purpose they even travel around the whole world. Furthermore they use this travels to gain knowledge of as so far unknown exotic food and to get inspired by new ideas.
The factor differentiation has also a great impact on the success of the company. Eating at this