KINE 407
Assignment 1
In the field of Health Education, one primary objective is to help individuals, groups, or communities acquire quality information about health. Another is to ensure that this information correctly guides these people in making changes to improve their health. In order to do this, health educators must first identify problems and then form a diagnosis based on the person or community’s background and culture. Health educators then come up with a course of action that may involve informative literature, advertisements, or community gatherings where information can be shared in a more personal setting. Health educators then follows up to see if and what changes have occurred in the behavior of the individual or community. Health educators also must consistently evaluate their work and their methods in order to become more proficient at identifying problems and improving the effectiveness of their practice.
2. Health Education is an interdisciplinary field that draws from many different sciences in order to interpret underlying issues and find solutions to health problems. Health educators apply research from the fields of behavior science and psychology in order to understand and change unhealthy behavior. They draw from the fields of anthropology and sociology in order to understand the culture significance of certain behaviors and find ways to communicate more clearly to certain groups or individuals. They also incorporate research findings from the fields of medicine and kinesiology in order to help inform and correct unhealthy lifestyle behaviors.
3. In my opinion the most important goals of health education are to understand why people acquire unhealthy behavior, and also find solutions that are the best fit for each individual or community in order move them into a place of health and wellness as a permanent lifestyle change. Health educators should be able to understand individuals and groups