Dr.Farzand Ali Jan[1] Muhammad Farooq Jan, Muhammad Faheem Jan[2] Seema Zubair[3]
Abstract Impulse buying is a fun, puzzle and a research question in today’s marketing world. The same is under the study of psychologists, consumer behavior researchers, economist, fashion designers, outlet decorators and advertisers. Objective of the study was to identify the nature of convenience product, shopping product, and specialty product which may or may not affect the impulse buying. The data was collected from teaching faculty both male and female, students (both gender) of public and private universities. The total number of questioners distributed was 276 out of which 236 were received back. 36 questionnaires were considered as invalid; therefore, 200 questionnaires were processed for analysis. The analysis of the data showed no difference in overall demographic characteristics with respect to frequency of product category, purchase tendencies towards impulsive buying, hedonic needs, self identity and cognitive process components
Key words; Impulse buying, Demographic characteristics, convenience and shopping products Introduction Globally research today is the belle of the ball, vying with advertising for marketer’s attention, time and money. We need better understanding of what consumer actually consume rather than what they claim they consume (Tellis 2010). Impulse buying is a fun, puzzle and a research question in today’s marketing world. The same is under the study of psychologists, consumer behavior researchers, economist, fashion designers, outlet decorators and advertisers. Attiq (2006) studied impulsive buying behavior as function of affective and cognitive components Pakistani consumers Study and having focus on identifying determinants of compulsive buying behavior and their relationship in reference to perceived
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