TRANSITION: We will begin by explaining the significance animals have on humans. II. Body 1. SIGNIFICANCE: Domestic animals contribute to their owners well being; they provide unconditional love and emotional support. Every year thousands of animals in households around America are neglected, exploited, and physically abused. Animals are much like humans in the way that they can feel pain and have emotions. 1. A main type of abuse is neglection of animals by owners. 1. In the last 10 years, 30% of all animal cruelty cases have been because of neglect. (Animal Neglect Facts, 2012). 2. Neglect includes everything from not feeding an animal to not providing it with shelter, attention, and the basic necessities it requires to
References: 4 tied to large-scale dogfighting investigation arrested | News - KCRA Home. (2013, April 4). Sacramento News, Stockton, Modesto Breaking News, Weather and Sports - KCRA Sacramentos Channel 3 Animal cruelty facts and statistics : The humane society of the united states . (2011, July 21). The Humane Society of the United States : The Humane Society of the United States Animal Legal Defense Fund. (n.a.). Retrieved April 8, 2013, from Dutkiewicz, E.L., Hensley, C., & Tallichet, S.E San Diego Humane Society. (n.d.). Retrieved April 8, 2013, from