Inside out follows the story of Riley - a girl who lives life happily, until she and her family move to San Francisco. This is about the challenges she faces and what she thinks whilst all of these crazy things are happening. Riley, voiced by Kaitlyn Dias, has five main emotions that control her thoughts; Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust and Fear. This team of mixed emotions is led by Joy (voiced by Amy Poehler). Sadness messes with Riley’s core memories, so Joy and Sadness have to leave the control tower and fix this gargantuan mess. Without Joy in charge, Riley becomes very dark and moody, with lots of angry outbursts - saying things she wouldn't normally say. This very relatable story was directed by Pete Docter, and is a treat for all. …show more content…
As a way of portraying more emotions than before, the film makers have made each emotion a certain shape and colour; Joy is a yellow star, Sadness a blue teardrop, Anger a red brick, Disgust is green broccoli and Fear a purple neuron. The way these characters act, fits seamlessly with their shapes and colours. This effect creates very entertaining and relatable examples of human life. The concept of the human mind in Inside Out, is very witty and an easy idea to follow - it helps that there is a hint of laughter. The plot line develops continuously and never once is there a dull moment. Not only is it a clever and well thought out movie, it helps with a number of jobs that involve expressing emotion, this shows that it has a very positive impact on the