1. Due date for this assignment is 16th of December 2011, by 1200 p.m 2. Assignment should be submitted in hard copy format, not by email. Students, who did two Co-Op, should submit 2 assignments and also 2 Student Evaluation Form. 3. Both assignment and Student Evaluation should be stated clearly the term of particular Co-Op (ie. year 1, year 2 or year 3) 4. Assignment should be submitted by signing the submission list. Meanwhile, Student Evaluation should be submitted to CECS not to faculty.
5. You need to include with your assignment a cover page, stating your name, student ID number, and co-op coordinator’s name. 6. LATE SUBMISSION IS NOT ACCEPTABLE and STUDENTS WILL GET 0 (ZERO). 7. Late submission require approval from Co-Op Coordinator in advance and should be attached with a valid, strong and acceptable reason 8. For any inquiry regarding Co-Op, do not hesitate to contact Ms Jeya Santhini (Co-Op Coordinator for Accounting) email : jeyasanthini@ucsi.edu.my, and contact Mr Jagatesh (Co-op Coordinator for Accounting&Finance email : Jagatesh@ucsi.edu.my) 9. The consequences of not following this guideline will be on student side 10. Any updated notice will be notify through student email (ie 1000123456@mail.ucsi.edu.my)
Answer all questions. Your response must be based on your work experience at your host organization. Overall assignment should not exceed 1,500 words.
Q1. Describe the organization in your point of view a. History / Background ( 10 marks) b. Nature of business ( 10 marks) c. Organizational Structure ( 10 marks)
Q2. Describe about your job and responsibilities (The duties may include the following) i. Preparing and maintaining (or assisting) accounting records ii. IT skills iii. Accounting related assignments iv. Other ad hoc administrative work assigned by your supervisor. (10 marks)