
Jake Alternate Ending

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Jake Alternate Ending
The sun was like a glowing medallion in the sky. Jake was feeling jubilant as he was ascending up Mt Taranaki. Whilst ambulating up the mountain sights of exquisite scenery followed him such as graceful greenery with effulgent green leaves representing growth and harmony. Ahead of Jake was an extraordinary view of an alluring, deep blue lake which held the reflection of Mt Taranaki within. As Jake inhaled, the aroma of fresh country air filled his nose. After a long tiring walk, Jake felt fatigued and commenced to search for a spot to sit down and rest, fortunately, there was a grand towering tree which came to his rescue. Slowly but steadily Jake lowered himself down onto the brown crummy dirt, having little bits of soil becoming stuck to his clothes. …show more content…
Slowly picking himself up from the ground, he takes one look above himself and notices that there is a sign giving visitors a caveat that the rocks above are highly unstable, seeing this worries Jake as he does not want to become hurt or cause trouble. Whilst walking away and brushing the dirt off his gluteus maximus, he assumes he heard the sound of rocks moving but he blames it on his imagination, but a few footsteps further he hears the rumbling noise again. Feeling angst Jake dramatically turns around and looks above to see from a high point as high as the clouds rocks are tumbling down the side of the mountain heading straight for him. Jake suddenly started to panic and out of fear he cannot move, as his whole body is shaking like a pair of maracas, and his face resembling a hot tomato. Not knowing what to do tears start to fall out of Jake’s eyes as he thinks ‘this is it’ Finally realizing the alarming situation he is in, he gets himself together and tries to run as fast as he can away from the tumbling rocks from

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