Three aspects that I am going to discuss are motivation, pressure and value. Job satisfaction describes people are engaged in the job that they love, and have fun from it. They works with hobbies would has motivation to challenge themselves so that they can make progress in work easily. For people who insist on job security, however, might lacks of passion about their career. They may just work for a higher salary or want an unexceptional life instead of an exciting one. As employers, I think they would like the ones who feel happy about their jobs.
Level of pressure is also an important factor of choosing a job. Even though the work itself is very stressful, for employees who are truthfully keen to their job, would take that as a challenge and solve it positively. Yet, for the other kind, they might feel miserable and lose faith about their career.
Individual valuable of employee is the most important factor for employers. All bosses would pay more attention to high effective and quality staffs, and all employees fight so hard that can be approved by their bosses. If employees are satisfied with their job, apparently, they would not change their job frequently and devote themselves to the job. On the other side, if they just want a security job, once a good opportunity showed up, they would leave without doubting for a second.
Here is the comparison between job satisfaction and job security, as we can see it comes down a personal choice, based on what kind of life do you want, and the skills do you have. Therefore it is important that you consider life would be while you are