The community service accomplishment that I am most proud of is the work I did to do-nate school supplies to children in need. In order have enough money to donate school supplies, The Keystone Club planned to organize a talent show. I helped sell
tickets near a local store, in-vited people to the talent show, and put up posters around the school and the town. Fortunately, the talent show was so successful that it raised about $1,000. I have also performed in other tal-ent shows which raise money for high school scholarships. This year, I am going to help organize another talent show event in Keystone Club in order to send a couple of students to a leadership conference in Asia. Although I have organized and performed in small fundraising events, I am proud to give back in any way I can.
As a result of community service, I gained more confidence in social situations and in my vocal performance. I learned how to make good eye contact and to emotionally connect with the audience. Honing these skills was challenging at times, but it taught me the value of hard work and be more willing to pitch in when I see someone who needs help. My local parish has just asked me if I can sing in the church choir, and I agreed to be a part it because I know from my community service how much work it takes to organize a church choir. I also agreed to join the choir because I love to sing and it helps me make new friends.
To conclude, organizing the Keystone Club’s talent show was a great experience. By sell-ing tickets and performing in the talent show, I became more confident in my vocal capabilities and am now more comfortable starting conversations with people. My interest in singing as deep-ened and I look forward to joining my university’s choir next fall.