Many times in our lives we wonder why we have to pass through valleys. We wonder why our mountaintop experiences don't last forever. The reality is, geographically there cannot be a mountain without a valley! Valleys are at the base of every mountain, however, when we find ourselves at the valleys of our spiritual journey, we must not wallow in the darkness that valleys often brings. Instead, we ought to look up through the canopies of troubles that may hang there. We ought to look above the vines that may block out the sunshine and find the path that would take us up the gradients of our mountain. It is only after we are broken and fully surrendered to God in our valleys that we can really navigate the contours on the sides of our mountains. Too often we forget the victories wrought in our previous mountain top experiences, that we complain and fret instead of allowing God to break us for our next battle. We often think that the armor we used on our previous mountain crusades are applicable for the next. However, every mountain requires different weapons, with some simply requiring a sling and a stone. Thus, it is in our valleys we will find the streams that ought to refresh us for the battles ahead. Are you willing to allow God to break you in your valley today?
Am I looking above the dense canopy and vines that block out my sunshine to find the path up my slope?
Am I so impatient that I want to fight my next battle with the armor from yesterday? My Prayer:
Oh Lord, help me to allow You to break me in my valley. Help me to allow you to train me for the armor that you see fit for my next experience. Help me to trust You in my valley experience knowing that when I am on top of my peak, I would be able to see the perils you were holding from me.