I was always thinking to start up a business and I didn’t know how to start and what was needed in order to achieve this goal and this unit contain the right information about business communication and knowledge which will guide and help me to implement them in this process .In this essay I am going to explain exactly how communications ,knowledge and information can be put into practice and how they can help me to achieve my goal.
________________DECISION - DOORS AND WINDOWS SHOP_________________
I have decided that my business will be a bricks-and-mortar business because is an industry where I have to interact with customers, to give them advice , I can guide them to choose the right product and I can customize the products according with their needs, something that you can’t do it on line.
I chose this bricks-and-mortar business because is something which is almost the fastest growing industry, is something that will work for long term and can bring a good profit. The cost to start up this business is affordable for me, it gives me the opportunity to extend and establish business relations with different factories from other countries and in this way I can offer a wide range of new and competitive products. The market for this type of business is wide open and the product design is changing continuously attracting customers. I can offer different security locks and accessories for all my products (doors and windows) , I can customize the products according with customers needs (safety locks ,size , design, handles , color , double glazing etc.)
After my own research I have found that the market size for my business is big enough, the competitors are not a threat for me and the potential price for my products can drive customer’s growth and success for my business.
References: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/communication-process.html#ixzz2W91HPT7z www.businessdictionary.com/definition/infor http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/building-societies-association/the-importance-of-effective-communication/the-communication-process.html#ixzz2WBH2XGtJ