The US sports drinks market is highly competitive. It accounts for the highest worldwide sports drink consumption. A sports drink is a deviation of an energy drink which aims at rehydration, sports performance and muscle recovery. The major players in this US market are Gatorade by PepsiCo & PowerAde by Coca-Cola.
Gatorade is accepted as the market leader of US sports drink market with nearly 75% market share as at 2008 (Sports Business Daily, 23 July 2009). The study analyses the marketing mix of Gatorade in US market with special concentration on its Marketing Communications. It was introduced in 1965 as a thirst quencher by four medical researchers at University of Florida. The name for the drink came from ‘The Gators’, the first team who used the drink to achieve success. It was acquired by Quaker Oats Company and became a part of PepsiCo in 1998.
Gatorade Company launched Gatorade G2 in 2007 as a low-calorie electrolyte beverage. The product is considered as a healthy choice beverage by athletes and became the highest grossing food product in USA in 2008 with sales of $159.1 million (Advertising Age, 25 March 2009). The target market for G2 can be defined as; * They are active and athletic (Professional or Non-professional) * They aim fast rehydration on and off the field * They are health conscious, concerned about the sugar content of the product.
It can be identified that G2 is aiming for a rapidly developing market as US consumers are increasingly becoming health conscious and is becoming serious about physical training & fitness.
Gatorade G2 is a low calorie electrolyte beverage which is packed with vitamins. The product entered a rapid growth stage in 2008. In response to the entrance of PowerAde Zero, the vitamin-packed, healthy beverage in to the sports drinks market in late 2008, some augmentations were introduced to G2 in 2009, which includes; * New
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