Management and Transformational Leadership’, Northeast Business & Economics Association Proceedings, pp. 196-199. (CAMILA AMAYA , 1718053)
The article was wrote by Lauren Spatig, Doctoral Student from Fielding Graduate University, she created the article to make a comparison between three big management theories: Fayol’s classical management theory, McGregor’s behavioralist management theory (1966,2006) and Kouzes and Posner’s transformational leadership research (2007). Spatig is always comparing McGregor’s and Kouzes and Posner’s with Fayol’s theory. It is for business management students and people that are interested in different theories related to the way of manage a company. Also to prove that other authors based their theories in Fayol findings. The article was written in an organized and sequence structure. Remembering the audience who was the people she was describing and which ones were their thoughts. Besides, she support all her opinions and conclusions by books and written made by those three authors.
Spatig state (2209), that all authors of management theories support their ideas from Fayol theories. In addition, states, that management is base on structuralism, that hierarchical roles in all companies bringing uneven distribution of power. However if the task are well distribute the power will be even and employees will fill more comfortable getting better results.
On the other hand, there are other theories described by Spatig that are related to her main topic “Fayol classical management theory”:
a. McGregor theories X and Y: He assert, that Maslow theory is not believable. Human beings need to work in bad conditions to understand and assess what they have. Hence, if people achieve their basic needs and satisfactions will waste or not assess extra things. Fayol stated that “personal