Brand Management
Topic 1
Introducing Brands and Brand
What is a Brand?
For the American Marketing Association (AMA, 2014), a brand is a:
“name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition.”
These different components of a brand that identify and differentiate it are brand elements.
In creating a brand, many choices available over number and ‘how’ elements used to create identity for products.
Importance of Brands to Consumers
Identification of the source of the product
Assignment of responsibility to product maker
Search cost reducer
Promise, bond, or pact with product maker
Symbolic device
Signal of quality
Risk reducer
(functional; physical; financial; social; psychological or time)
Importance of Brands to Firms
Identification to simplify handling or tracing
Legally protecting unique features
Signal of quality level
Endowing products with unique associations
Source of competitive advantage
Source of financial returns
Brand as an Output Process
Brands are not something we do to consumers. Rather, branding should be seen as “something consumers do with things” (De Chernatony et al, 2011 pg 46)
8 Category Typology: Brand as a......
1)... sign of ownership
2)... differentiating device
3)... functional device
4)... symbolic device
5)... risk reducer
6)... shorthand device
7)... legal device
8)...strategic device
What can be Branded?
Physical goods
Retailers and Distributors
Online products and services
People and Organisations
Sports, Arts, and Entertainment
Geographic locations
Ideas and Causes
Challenges and Opportunities?
Savvy customers
Economic downturns
Brand proliferation
Media Transformation
Increased competition
Increased costs
Greater accountability
Brand Equity
Brand equity relates to the fact that