Mother Teresa of Calcutta is an outstanding witness to the mission of Jesus. Through her life and her words, Mother Teresa exemplifies the choice to be a disciple of Jesus and the choice to devote her to the “poorest of the poor.” Like the apostles who responded to the compelling call of Jesus, As Jesus walked along the Shore of Lake Galilee, he saw two brothers who were fishernen, Simon and his brothers Andrew catching fish in the lake with a net. Jesus said to them 'come with me and I will teach you to catch people' (Matthew 4:18-20)
Mother Teresa left her home to donate her life and help those less fortunate, and to live a life of poverty to be equal with those in need. “At the age of twelve, she felt strongly the call of God. She knew she had to be a missionary to spread the love of Christ.” (Noble Peace Prize) In fact, God inspired Mother Teresa after many years of teaching in Calcutta, to respod to a second call. This invitation moved Mother Teresa to found the Missionaries of Charity, a congregation to serve the “poorest of the poor.” (Petrie) “On October 7, 1950 Mother Teresa received permission from the Holy See to start her own order ‘The Missionaries of Charity,’ whose primary task was to love and care for the persons nobody was prepared to look after.” (Noble Peace Prize) As a Missionary of Charity, Mother Teresa lived out the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy;
Corporal works Feed the Hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Clothe the naked. Visit the imprisoned. Shelter the homeless. Visit the sick.