Module: Managing and Leading People
Title of Assignment: Management Report
Lecturer: Cathriona O’Keeffe
Name: Caroline Byrne 111138408
Word Count: 2,551
Submission Date: 6.2.2012
Plagiarism Declaration
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1.Senior management have indicated that the introduction of a performance management process, which would stimulate improved performance within the organisation, is an area they wish for me as HR manager to explore?
Findings outlined below:
Performance management provides a mechanism for improving business performance by ensuring team members are clear about their work priorities and how these relate to our company’s overall business strategy.
Performance management can be described as a holistic approach to bringing many of the elements that make up a successful practice of people management, including learning and development.
Therefore I as HR manager propose to introduce a performance management scheme that will allow for individual and organisational growth and will be applied with consistency and fairness throughout the organisation.
We will adopt a systematic approach to performance management using performance goals, measurement and feedback.
Armstrong and Baron define performance management as
“A process, which contributes to the effective management of individuals and teams in order to achieve high levels of organisational performance. As such it establishes shared understanding about what is to be achieved and an approach to leading and developing people which will ensure