Finding success in public relations can be an uphill battle but it’s a fight I plan to quell. The first step in obtaining my future life get an educational background in public relations. So at the age of 27, I have decided to go back to school in hopes of a brighter
and happier future. I hope to transfer out of Montgomery Community College to attend Temple University with goals of earning a Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations. While at Temple, I will be undertaking an internship with a PR firm in the Philadelphia area with hopes of gaining experience and possible employment after graduation.
Accomplishing my educational and professional goals will undoubtedly require copious hours of hard work and dedication, but the benefits of that hard work will forever change my life. With a degree in-hand and adequate experience “under my belt” I will be free to pursue an exciting career in public relations. My happiest self will ensure that I live a healthy and well rounded life.