Nguyen, who was able to direct us in the right direction for recruiting of a more diverse teaching force and the separation of all teachers to teach all students at the center of attention. Dr. Nguyen was very difficult to understand, however, he presented some great resources and information that we as a community go through each and everyday. Diversity is a major concern within school systems and teachers need to be aware of how they will incorporate all children, no matter their race or culture.
The next speaker talked about MTSS. MTSS is important because students fall yearly through the cracks because schools have pockets of excellence but are lacking a systems approach in many schools. According to national data, students who read at grade level by third grade are four times more likely to graduate on time. By Freshman year is key to predicting who will graduate from high school. Failing one semester course decreases the likelihood of graduating from 83% to 60%; two semester Fs decreases the likelihood to 44%; three reduces that to 31% chance of …show more content…
This is very good information for pre-teachers to know and understand in order to improve instruction in the classroom and increase students’ success at school. The Continuous Improvement Cycle for MTSS includes; needs assessment, planning, implementing, evaluating.
Next was the Panel discussion with four special education teachers who have had much experience within the schools. It was very interesting to listen to the topics and understand the days worth of teaching. They all mentioned the importance of teamwork, the ability to listen to one another, and to be there for each student individually. This panel group showed us the bigger picture on how many years it can take to be where you want to be, or to go