continue to go. Another strength would be my ability to conclude my paper. I want my readers to have an empowered feeling in the sense that the piece of writing is completed in its entirety. With that, I make sure that when finishing my papers, I provoke a “drop the mike” feeling. Establishing my weaknesses allow me to grow as a writer.
One of my weaknesses being pronouns. I tend to go off the deep end in my writing so much that I add incorrect second person pronouns such as you. Another struggle would subject verb agreement. An example from my paper one would be,”Insert later”. What I do with my discovered weakness is how I can become a better writer. I can fix my pronoun usage by establishing the voice of my paper. If I stick it through paper rater it will give me the chance to find the quick fixes. I can also send my paper through e-tutoring to and let them know the desired aspects I desire to improve on in my paper. When it comes to subject verb agreement, I can use the above two methods to find these errors when I do not catch them myself. I can also go to the writing lab to have them check for these errors in my
writing. To grow requires positive assessments, negative adjustments, and establish goals to better myself. When I first approached this writing class, I had knowledge of writing, but lacked the expertise to find how to be my best. Being barely halfway through and already seeing my growth as a writer gave me hope that I will conquer my struggles and become the best that I can be. I will not look down on myself for having struggles; consequently, I will use them as building blocks to create new strengths.