Beginning with bacteria and unicellular organism, through invertebrates, fish and amphibians, on to reptiles, birds, and eventually land mammals, species have evolved in huge leaps and bounds in the millions of years that our planet has been in existence. We have moved out of the water and onto the land, we have developed brains and nervous systems, highly advanced survival instincts and social and behavioral traits that did not exist millions of years ago. Species have evolved to become more diverse and more complex through a number of different biological trends. But as much as we can learn about these phenomena by observing changes over time, in it much more difficult to predict where evolution is heading in the long run. Which species will survive and thrive, and which will find themselves unable to carry on due to changing conditions, threats, and competition? Evolution has allowed humans in particular to thrive and become creatures of choice, freedom, and responsibility. Although other animals have gained somewhat similar traits, it is clear that humans have control in hierarchy of animal society. In our rise to domination, we have created a disadvantage for other species to evolve to their full capacity. It is perhaps hard for more than one species to evolve towards full freedom at the same time. If humans found themselves faced with a dramatic change in environment…