Nations have faced enormous increase in international negotiations from 20 years ago. In an increasingly globalized world, more businesses are trying to go beyond the borders. It is obvious that negotiations preceded all cosmopolitan commercial transactions such as a product sale, formation of a joint venture, merger or acquisitions of companies, or the licensing of the business to or from a foreign firm. Negotiations are unavoidable when an essential outcome is impossible to achieve unilaterally without incurring undesirable political, authorized, or cost-effective consequences. Hence, global negotiations play a crucial role to get a satisfactory multinational business agreement.
In order to succeed in these international negotiations, it is necessary to know how to communicate with members of other cultures while influencing them. A lot of researches have been done on international negotiation styles in the last two decades. All these studies and documents have caused a stereotyping of negotiation styles of various cultures.
Hidden Challenges
Differences among cultures may disturb international negotiations. But recently, firms and societies have invested a lot to increase cross-cultural training for their executives and representatives. Negotiators have learnt the do 's and don 'ts of a foreign culture and have become relatively expert to handle cultural etiquette.
Know the player
There will be two groups of decision makers in every negotiation, formal decision makers and informal decision makers. All formal decision makers will not be at the negotiating table and sometimes it is challenging even for experts to identify them
Top Down Approach
In a typical American negotiation, negotiators desire to deal with the "real boss", an authority symbol who makes the last decision. Therefore, most negotiators try to find a way to interact with the "boss" directly and avoid making deals with pretty