The blank slate of the child enables an individual to not only reject traditional moral values, but to create their own individual form of morality. Within the context of the creation of new values, it is important to understand that Nietzsche is not necessarily amoral. Nietzsche does not argue that an individual should not have any morals, but that they must reject traditional slave morality in order to reach a higher state of being. Morality becomes a source of stupidity when it is based on blind faith in the herd morality. In Nietzsche’s view, morality can only help the individual to progress if it is specifically created and embraced by that particular …show more content…
Though some of us may try to live a life of isolation, in the end it is rarely an attainable or even desirable way of life. I believe that Nietzsche’s personal bias from his failed relationships and depression had a strong influence on his highly individualistic view of morality. By experiencing the company of others, our own views can be challenged which can result in them by strengthened of entirely discarded. It is impossible to experience personal growth within the confines of a vacuum. Recognizing this, there often times are people who drives us to forms of herd morality, and I believe Nietzsche has a point in that we should try to isolate ourselves from those who inhibit our personal development. There is great value in surrounding oneself with people that help us in the journey of individualized moral development as they can aid in this process