PROBLEMS: Many of problems being faced by the company happen to occur in the central plant and one of the biggest ones is the employees’ tardiness. Also, the supervisors in the plant are unable to make decisions by themselves. Moreover, there are numerous enquiries from the upper management about the status of the central plant.
CAUSES: A logical cause of the employees’ tardiness includes no verification or accountability, as the employees do not need to call in. This shows a lack of fit between the organizational process and the people. Supervisors are not self-confident and rely too much on Chet for direction. This shows a lack of fit between the people and tasks. All members of the upper management have enquiries for Chet, even those that he does not directly report to. This shows a lack of fit between organizational structure and tasks.
GOALS: The Company should aim to increase output by at least 30% in the coming year. Another goal is to increase production efficiency by a minimum of 50%. Lastly, HR should be able to recruit another 20 employees to the central plant.
ACTION ALTERNATIVES: A clock card machine should be introduced for all employees to use. Employees should go through a course of training and be motivated using bonuses and benefits. Lastly, job descriptions need to be re-outlined to all employees of the company.