How do you think you can assist the server if you become this rank?: …show more content…
In order to keep the server running and healthy you need to have trustworthy people by your side to keep it that way, I'm one of those people that has the mentality and skills to help the server.
I will make sure to record and report hackers on the forums. I will also make sure to assist players with any help they need, I will keep the chat clean and smooth so new players will feel at home. Maturity is a huge part of becoming a staff member on OPCraft and that's why I would be the perfect person for this position. I hope I can help OPCraft out as much as possible, I love the content you guys create and the people that are apart of this community.
Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people:
This is when someone posts an IP(s) into chat which isn’t related to OPCraft. This happens on all servers and it's very easy to handle. If this happens I will...
/mute {username} Advertising
Hacking is another issue EVERY server has. Once in a while you will have a player come on with a hacked client that is not legal on the servers conditions and when we catch them this happens...
* Record it and then post in Staff Hacker/Player Reports
If someone is saying the same message 3 or more times within 30 seconds I will…
/warn {username} Spamming
-Temp-Mute /tempmute {username} 5m Spamming
-Temp-Mute /tempmute {username} 10m Spamming
-Temp-Mute /tempmute {username} 15m Spamming
Chat Flooding
Chat flooding is pretty much like spamming except someone is continuously posting the same message or different messages for that matter just to flood the chat.
/warn {username} Chat Flooding
-Temp-Mute /tempmute {username} 5m Chat Flooding
-Temp-Mute /tempmute {username} 10m Chat Flooding
-Temp-Mute /tempmute {username} 15m Chat Flooding
Suspicious Links
Some people like to think they are smart and try to spam chat with IP Loggers or anything that does not relate to, They could lead to viruses or dangerous sites in general.
/mute {username} Suspicious Links
Mute Evasion
If somebody is using commands to bypass they're mute I will...
*Put in support chat.
Staff Disrespect
When players are mad or wanting to troll on the server they aim towards staff members most of the time, when things like this happen the player must be punished.
/warn {username} Staff Disrespect
- /tempmute {username} 5m Staff Disrespect
- /tempmute {username} 10m Staff Disrespect
- /tempmute {username} 15m Staff Disrespect
Excessive Racism
This is when a player decides to call someone excessive racial slurs, OPCraft does usually allow people to say whatever they want but there definitely is a line you should not cross.
/warn {username} Racism
* If the player continues to use excessive racism they will be temp muted.
Staff Impersonation
If you set your name-tag that is a staff position or a staff members name I will…
/warn {username} Staff Impersonation
- /tempmute {username} 15m Staff Impersonation
- /tempmute {username} 30m Staff Impersonation
Indirect Advertising
If a player decides to tell players to join another server or ask them to play another server I will…
/mute {username} Indirect Advertising