My life hasn’t been one of despair or fighting for love. I was born into a Christian family, a family that has always supported me in everything I have done, and loves me unconditionally. I am even really close with my extended family on my mom’s side and they have always been an impact on my life as much as my parents and siblings. I was raised in a bible believing and preaching church, and taught about Jesus since I can remember. I have had a relationship with God most of my life. Although I may not always be at my best, I was aware that God still loved me and that he, like my family, will love me and be there for me no matter what. Looking at my relationships with my family and a little of my relationship with God, I could see why I believed that I had a secure attachment style. I had never been alone in my life, though I sometimes felt like it, deep down I knew I wasn’t …show more content…
I believe it was Dr. Clinton that said people with secure attachment styles may bounce around to other attachment styles but it is how they deal with those feelings that makes them secure. So, although it is really hard to look at yourself and determine what attachment style you lean towards, you will eventually figure it out. For me, I found that I although I may sometimes feel like I am all over the place, I have a secure relationship style because I am able to deal with my emotions and actions in a healthy