Personal Learning Styles
Danielle Ward
College100 D067
American Public University
Anne O’Bryan
Everyone learns and retains information differently than one another. There are so many different types of learning styles out there. There are visual learners, verbal learners, and kinesthetic learners. Visual learners remember best what they see by diagrams, flow charts or maps. Auditory learners remember best what they hear and kinesthetic learners are best when they can be hands on.
College is such an important part of my life and of many young people in today’s day and age. I have two small children and a husband who works very …show more content…
I have found that I learn best visually and verbally. Visual learners remember best what they see—pictures, diagrams, flow charts, time lines, films, and demonstrations. Verbal learners get more out of words—written and spoken explanations. Everyone learns more when information is presented both visually and verbally. (Felder & Soloman, n.d ). If you are a VISUAL learner, then by all means be sure that you look at all study materials. Use charts, maps, filmstrips, notes and flashcards. Practice visualizing or picturing words/concepts in your head. Write out everything for frequent and quick visual review. (Bixler, 2010) I have found in college most teachers, not all, but most don’t use a whole of visual presentation. If at all possible, it’s best to ask the instructor if there are references you can look to for further help or …show more content…
I believe I am a visual and verbal learner. I do believe I do better when I can visually see what the instructor is talking about, It gives me a clear picture whether it be a map, chart or something as simple as an image, shows me what the focus point is and the topics surrounding it. I also believe I am a verbal learner as well. I reciprocate and retain information so much better when they are the ones explaining and interpreting that information. Write summaries or outlines of course material in your own words. Working in groups can be particularly effective: you gain understanding of material by hearing classmates ' explanations and you learn even more when you do the explaining. (Felder & Soloman, n.d ). I do know, that I do not do well when I am forced to read chapters upon chapters at a time with a test or quiz at the end of each one. It is extremely hard for me to retain any information like that because my mind wanders. If I have something to focus on, like an instructor, it keeps my attention; it’s exciting and keeps me eager to