During this visit to the home, I conducted a quarterly inspection. During my inspection, I went into the backyard of the home which had approximately two or three large trash bags that were opened and the trash was observed to be lying in the backyard and on the back porch. Included in this trash were several packs of cigarettes. I asked Ms. Theard if she smokes as she previously reported that she only used a vaporizer. Ms. Theard reported that she does smoke, but that she only smokes outside of the home. I addressed with Ms. Theard that the home smells of smoke and she reported that her mother had smoked in the home before she passed and that the smell has never gone away. Ms. Theard …show more content…
assured me that she does not smoke in the home or the vehicle.
When observing the bedroom that Ms.
Theard and Truest share, it was observed that Truest no longer had the toddler bed that he previously had and now had a pack n play. The pack n play was observed to be full of different items and did not appear to be slept in. I asked Truest where he slept and Ms. Theard stated that he sleeps in his bed; Truest did not provide an answer. Ms. Theard reported that she had been cleaning out her closet this morning and that she had placed these items in the bed, but would remove them. I will observe the bed during my next visit to the
In the kitchen of the home, a bottle of medication was observed. Ms. Theard reported that since it was an over the counter medication she just stores it in the cabinet. I reminded Ms. Theard that all medications must be locked. Ms. Theard reported that she would begin to store the medication in the safe where she previously reported that she keeps her medications. I asked Ms. Theard to please put the medication in the safe while I was in the home so that I could document that it had been done. Ms. Theard placed the medication in the safe.
Ms. Theard reported that the CPS CW, Candace, had visited the home the day before. Ms. Theard reported that Candace informed her that the biological mother had called Candace telling her different things about Ms. Theard. Ms. Theard reported that the biological mother is trying get the child support order removed as she has not been paying child support and may be facing trouble with the Attorney General. Ms. Theard further reported that she had a sit down meeting with the biological mother about child support and it is reported that the biological mother stated that she would just relinquish all rights to the children if Ms. Theard did not remove the child support order.
Ms. Theard shared that the family plans to move to San Antonio, Texas as soon as the case is finished. Ms. Theard reported that this was the reason that the home was so messy because the family was working to try to get things cleaned and packed for the move. Ms. Theard reported that the family will begin taking things to San Antonio over the next two months and that they will officially transition after the case. Ms. Theard reported that she has already found a home in San Antonio. It is also reported that the biological mother has recently moved to San Antonio. Ms. Theard reported that they would not be living with the biological mother, but rather would be getting their own home.
Ms. Theard reported that she and the CPS CW, Candace, would like for Truest to be evaluated for ADHD. Ms. Theard reported that Candace gave Truest and “informal diagnosis” of ADHD and she further reported that they agreed that Truest may benefit from medication for ADHD. I informed Ms. Theard that Truest is too young to be treated for ADHD and we discussed non-pharmaceutical treatments for ADHD such as changing Truest’s diet, increasing his activity, structure, and a daily routine. Ms. Theard and I also discussed behavioral therapy as Truest gets older. Ms. Theard reported that Truest has been having a hard time falling asleep at night time and reported that Truest will stay up until 10pm or even later. Ms. Theard and I discussed removing stimuli when Truest is trying to go to sleep and we also discussed her speaking to the pediatrician. I informed Ms. Theard that if the pediatrician has a concern they could suggest Truest to take Melatonin, but I informed Ms. Theard that we would need the pediatrician to approve that.
Truest appeared to be upset during the visit and reported that he was tired. Truest was observed to lie on the ground and whine during most of the visit. Ms. Theard attempted to console Truest, but Truest appeared to not want to be bothered. Truest does not have the verbal skills to express many wants or needs. Truest was also observed to have a cough and his nose appeared to be running. Ms. Theard reported that she may stay home from work and take Truest into the pediatrician today.
I have sent an email to Ms. Theard reminding her of the background check, minimum standards for medication, and non-pharmaceutical treatments for ADHD.