Provincial Museum in Victoria. I received confirmation from Dr. Nagorsen on Nov. 15, 1995 (Attachment 1) kindly informing me the bat is the Townsend's Big-ear Bat. Dr. Nagorsen visited Minnekhada twice in 1996 with a few scientists and GVRD officials, and confirmed it was a Maternity Colony. Based on his advice, the GVRD preserved the stable buildings as important wildlife habitats. Dr. Nagorsen further confirmed a good number of various bats were roosting in the attic of the residential building on the west side of the stable. Later in the year 1999, GVRD issued a proposed plan to preserve the Minnekhada Regional Park's farm buildings, emphasizing the protection of the Townsend's Big-ear Bat (Attachment
Provincial Museum in Victoria. I received confirmation from Dr. Nagorsen on Nov. 15, 1995 (Attachment 1) kindly informing me the bat is the Townsend's Big-ear Bat. Dr. Nagorsen visited Minnekhada twice in 1996 with a few scientists and GVRD officials, and confirmed it was a Maternity Colony. Based on his advice, the GVRD preserved the stable buildings as important wildlife habitats. Dr. Nagorsen further confirmed a good number of various bats were roosting in the attic of the residential building on the west side of the stable. Later in the year 1999, GVRD issued a proposed plan to preserve the Minnekhada Regional Park's farm buildings, emphasizing the protection of the Townsend's Big-ear Bat (Attachment