Gymnastics is more hardcore than most other sports because you have to be a hard worker. Even when you feel like quitting, you have to dig deeper and find what you need. There is no quitting in gymnastics. Some days a gymnast feels like she can’t do another pull-up or v-up-but somehow she does. “.....If you push through the hard days, you can get through anything,” says Gabby Douglas(2012 and 2016 Olympian) Yo won’t thrive in gymn if you’re not a hard worker. …show more content…
If you are in gymnastics, it’s physically demanding because you’re pounding your body and injuring yourself. After gymnastics, there’s always a spot that hurts. Professional gymnasts say they have hurt, torn, sprained, or broken at least every part of their body. It is mentally demanding because it requires focus, concentration, endurance and patience. It’s like a full-time job. You have to put your full mind on your routine.. This means gymnastics isn't all about who is the greatest athlete., lots of times a gymnast who is prepared mentally will do better than a gymnast who is strong but is not mentally