
Persuasive Speech On Animal Testing

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Persuasive Speech On Animal Testing
You might wonder, what are the concerns about animal testing exactly? Or, is there really anything bright about animal testing? Well that’s exactly what I am here to talk about. Animal testing is the most common way to test products to see if they are qualified for us humans to use. Throughout the tests the animals are kept in captivity, some tests show products not stable enough for humans, some tests are for fun, and the animals go through months of torture. In addition to this being the surest way there are many others that don’t harm the animals we all take advantage of. The most common animals tested are the ones most similar to us human like, your favorite dog or cat, our “relatives” the chimpanzees, and the rodents. Aside from this torture …show more content…
The time in the laboratories is a very long time unless the animal dies before they let the animal out. In addition, they don’t always have company of other animals due to them sometimes being alone in their own room if the lab scientists either have a special experiment or if they are contagious. The most common place to stay though, is in a room full of animal cages each including an animal of their same species. The cages provided for the animals are small and boring making the animals restless and bored. The test subjects basically get taken away from their normal and healthy environment for a really long time. Getting locked in these cages forces the animals to loose their personality, for example if you have a dog that is playful he/she would probably become tired and sad. Another bad thing due to the cages is that they might have to live in their own urine. In the end the cages don’t prove positively towards the …show more content…
When the drugs seem to pass through for the animals it isn’t actually perfectly safe for us humans due to the fact that the animals have slightly different genes than us. Some of the tests have poor hypotheses which can cause a poor test which might not go too well for either the people using it or the animals using it when it seems “safe”. Many of the test subjects die because some of the tests are for the fun of it. These tests are usually thought through thoroughly which causes some good and some bad results. During these tests are when the most animal subjects pass away some of these tests can also be passed through as safe even though they can potentially be deadly. Overall testing a weak hypothesis is a weak

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