
Why Is Animal Testing Outlawed

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Why Is Animal Testing Outlawed
Should animal testing be outlawed? “Is there a moral basis to distinguish experiments on other species and experiments on humans”? (Wright, 1) Animals such as Rabbits, Monkeys, and Dogs are killed each year for a humans well being. Many people support and disapprove of this practice and it has caused worldwide attention. Monkeys and other primates share 96% of the human gene sequence which makes them suitable test subjects. (Wright, 3). Each year millions of animals are killed and abused for the sake of cosmetics and drugs. Animals are living things just as humans are and therefore have souls too and society should take into consideration about what the animals feel everyday the are stuck in a laboratory and each time they have to endure …show more content…
They needed to know what they were eating and wanted to know how the body worked. They found out that blood circulates through everything. In the early 1800s a doctor found that a frog jolted with electricity would shake and move(Peta, 5). Today animal testing is very brutal. Animals are forced into grueling experiments such as being tied down and forced a certain medication. One account of testing shows that mice were locked into cages and forced to smoke cigarette smoke. Soon after the mice died and they suffered a slow painful death. “Nearly 75,000 dogs, including thousands of homeless animals from shelters, are tormented in U.S. laboratories every year.” (Peta, 6) Dogs spend years in cages and are constantly being injected with pesticides, chemicals, and everyday cleaners used around a home. During a undercover PETA investigation, the found out that dogs are being horribly abused, They endure bloody feces, internal organs falling out and infections. These are not treated by anyone and they are just left to die. Scientists record how long it takes for the animals to die and record the

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