Pet peeve essay LaShawn Clark
Have you ever walked out of a public place such as a store, doctor’s office, or even a restaurant directly into a huge cloud of smoke? Maybe even just sitting at the traffic light and a huge gust of cigarette smoke enters your window? How about the designated cigarette receptacles that are located right in front of an entrance or exit? What if your child took the time to hold a door for a stranger and they did not say thank you or even crack a smile, or when you are home alone watching television since it started and it is almost over, in walks a family member and they change the channel as soon as the program you are watching goes to a commercial. By the time they change it back to your program, the commercials are over, but you have missed the end and the most important part you have been waiting for since the beginning of the program. I think that this is not only unfair, but also inconsiderate and most definitely rude. Another one, when someone thinks their driving skills are so good that they can just text and drive at the same time or that they do not have to follow the laws of driving. Riding with someone who has road rage is horrible too. How about people that are just plain rude. I raised my kids to be respectful and to have manners. If someone compliments you, say thank you, and please if you are requesting something, and yes ma’am, no ma’am or sir to elders if a question is asked. Do not be rude. When my 12- year old son stops to hold a door open for you, please say thank you, and when my 2- year old granddaughter says hi, please speak back. They have feelings and do not understand why that grown man or woman did not say thank you or did not say hello back. Children deserve respect also, especially when they are being respectful. These things get on my nerves and are my pet peeves.
I am not a smoker nor have I ever smoked. I cannot stand the smell of