Teaching within the realms of discipline is a part of my philosophy as well. I believe in educational moments and teaching social skills to students so they can deal with situations in a more pro-social way "the next time". Communicating expectations to students, what they did wrong in the situation at hand, and how to handle it better the next time sets the stage for them to make a choice when something similar occurs in the future. Teaching and …show more content…
reminding them that they always have choice is very empowering to some youth, and how they use that power is what you try to influence.
When meeting with students I recognize that behavioral change is a process.
I try to identify where each student is at on that change continuum. I try to work with them at the step/level they are at as far as making behavioral change. Sometimes a student is at the awareness stage (first step). Maybe the student is at stage 2 and has the desire to change while other times a student is more along the continuum and is ready for social skill instruction and maybe needs some practice (role plays). Recognizing behavioral change as a process makes me strategic in my approach with students when I have to see them for disciplinary
Utilizing behavior plans for students with chronic behavioral concerns may also become necessary. I would suggest analyzing behavior using some type of functional behavioral assessment tool. Identifying the function of the student's behavior is a necessary part to any effective behavioral intervention plan, and will be necessary if behavioral change is to occur. This level of intervention will need a team approach so communication becomes essential. Including parents and other stakeholders is important to make sure a good plan's developed and implemented. Working with students that need this level of intervention is challenging, however, failure is not an option. Be assured that as an administrative leader in your building I will make it as inconvenient to fail as possible, including behaviorally.