look mean, nasty or poor. But, you never know unless you talk to them. Santiago pre-judges the Gypsy and Old man when he firsts meets them. Later on Santiago realizes that if he pre-judge you will not find out the truth. Paulo Coelho uses Melchizedek and the Gypsy to illustrate that you should not pre-judge.
When Santiago first meets the Englishman he thinks he is trying to be a nag. Santiago was also being rude because he was trying to make the old man feel bad. “That he for himself could not pronounce the title: and second that if the old
man didn’t know how to read. Santiago was trying to put the Old Man in his place when really he was pre-judging. When the Old Man asked him for some wine Santiago was rude. “The boy offered his bottle hoping that the old man would leave him alone.” Santiago likes to pre-judge people because he thinks he knows everything from the books he reads.
When Santiago goes to the gypsy he immediately pre-judges her. “Gypsies spent their lives tricking others.” Santiago does not know that this Gypsy does this. Santiago is assuming that this Gypsy is bad. “They had a pact with the devil and they kidnapped children and taking them away to their mysterious camps, made them slaves. Santiago does not know if this is true and he is just assuming it is. Which makes Santiago a pre- judger.
When Santiago first meets the old man he prejudges him. Later on Santiago realizes that the old man is a king. Once Santiago realizes he is a king he asked him why he was wearing what he was wearing and why he is was where he is. Also when Santiago meets the Old Women he is fast to pre-judge. He believed all the myths and lies about Gypsy’s. The Gypsy and the Old Man both represent the point of Santiago’s pre-judging. They show Santiago that you can’t judge a book by its cover.