July 17 , 2013
Observation 1
I observed preschool classrooms at St. Vincent’s Catholic School They are a Montessori preschool. The classrooms are clearly laid out for children. The classrooms are prepared and equipped for the size and pace of preschool aged children and are designed to put them at ease by giving them freedom in an environment carefully prepared with attractive materials arranged on low shelves that can be reached by any child. The tables and chairs are moveable so as to allow a variety of activities and the children work on small rugs on the floor where they are naturally comfortable. In our classrooms, there is no front of the …show more content…
room and no teacher's desk as the main point of attention because the stimulation for learning comes from the total environment. The First, the choice of activities (called "jobs") allows each child to experience the excitement of learning by their own choice. Second, it helps them perfect their own natural tools of learning so that they can continue to find success throughout their academic career and learn about the community and the world around them.
The Teachers use name cards to dismiss children to go to the next activity. It was only recently that I discovered all of the lessons to be learned in a simple name card .They provided cards with a symbol or photo along with the child's name for those who can't yet read their names. Then they put the child's last name on the card and teach him to read that. So, the first day the teacher asks each child to point to the first letter in his name and tell what the letter is. If the child does not know the letter she teaches it. Once the child learns that letter and repeats it two days in a row she writes the learned letter under that letter in the child's name. Every time the child knows a letter two days in a row the teacher writes it on the card until the name is written on the card a second time.
This teacher is very good a showing enthusiasm for each letter learned. By the end of the year every child in her classroom identified every letter in his name. They also involve families in the preschool literacy activities, the day I was there they created book bags for the children to take home and share with their families. They also had some readymade bags but. The children were able to explain about how they liked the book, what it was about or who read to the child and how they used the props. The bag also contained a puppet or stuffed animal and an idea sheet. This was a wonderful family activity to promote literacy.
The children got a new bag on Thursdays and were to bring it back on Tuesdays.
When they brought back a bag they were eligible for another bag. The teachers didn’t mind if they kept the bags longer. They also put the book and some ideas for parents to use with the book in a gallon bag and the kids keep this book bag. I thought some of these activities were great which promoted literacy there in the classroom as well as at home.
The classroom could add a little more fun to the classroom such as Hang clipboards in one or two spots in the classroom. Stock them with paper and attach a pencil. Encourage children to use them whenever they like which will help them to gain stronger growth in their writing and letter requisition skills.
They could also add more props to the dramatic play area from variety of advertisements from businesses children will recognize. Label some unit blocks with the business name and logo. One logo on each block. Wrap clear packaging tape around the block to hold the logo so children can't peel it off. Children will build stores, offices and towns using these blocks. Children will enjoy reading these logos as well. KMART, WALMART, McDonalds etc. (with the golden arches of course.)It’s always good to change up the play areas children tend to get bored with the same old
I learned that as a teacher its important let children experiment with lots of hands on activities which helps children engage in the learning process which helps them to understand the concepts better with experiences. I also learned it’s important to change up your learning areas monthly cause children tend to get bored of playing with the same things over and over. Change is good helps the child to continue to explore and create creativity. Promoting literacy everywhere in the classroom is very important many activities that children do pertain to writing, reading, math, and sciences skills all in one.