Identify and describe the situation or problem
What are the major and minor problems in this case?
Two ladies wished to sit near one of the managers; the manager was unaware of this. As everyone took their seats at the tables, only one of the ladies was able to sit at the same table as the manager. The lady who was not able to sit on the manager’s table became quite upset and the following day at work refused to speak to the other girl. All the colleagues in the office who were aware of the situation did not pay too much attention to the dispute as they thought it would pass the next day, however as the week went on, the dispute continued and then other parties became involved in taking sides.
What communication theories apply to these problems?
It's the leader's job to point people in the right direction with clear, coherent, and consistent communication designed and planned thoughtfully and in advance. The leader of today thus has to lead with a clear direction in mind, and at the same time, ensure that the rest of the team understands which direction they are going. It is only when the whole entire team, together with the leader are working towards a common goal and final destination that success can really be achieved. Communication is thus essential because leaders must be able to communicate the goals and directions to the team other than being able to define it. Finally, they must communicate in such a way that the team will be inspired and motivated to take action.
What organizational theories or perspectives are apparent?
Principle; this is a narrower process of developing and maintaining procedures. This principle gives clear structure and rules which considers changing environment. It applies to the organization, powers, duties and its functions. In relationship to organizations today we do see that there is a rigid form of