Young people's issues essay
Youths these days have a lot of problems dealing with stress, depression, family issues and a lot more, most of the problems that cause stress are in school and college. Young people's lives can be complicated and affected by many issues which can impact on their well-being.
The stress of school life, particularly at exam times, can be hard to manage and can lead some people to feel very anxious and over loaded. Teenagers are aware that they need to get good grades if they want to go to college or get a job but this can be hard if there are other things going on for them like problems at home or maybe at school, such as bullying and alienation. I think this could make young people feel very stressed and maybe get depressed or feel ill which means they might miss school and this could actually make things worse. Sometimes in order to keep in contact with a certain group of people you might do things that are irresponsible like bunking lessons or going out instead of doing school work. This can be a problem in other ways too, for example if the teenager's family does not have a lot of money they might have to manage without a lot of things that their friends have. They might not have the latest gadget that the friend has and they might be shunned by members of their peer group.
The teenage years are times when peoples bodies are developing and they might be embarrassed or unsure of what's going on for them, this might make them feel very alone with this especially if they don't have anyone they trust. Sometimes parents might be good at talking about this but I think most teenagers are embarrassed about it and try to cope with things by themselves which is stressful. Young people get teased about things like wearing glasses and being overweight and they can get depressed about this and not see a way out. Stress leads to physical problems like not getting enough sleep, having headaches or feeling sick when they