Prepared by :- Devesh Kumar, 303956 (3rd year)
* Certificate
* Acknowledgement
* Introduction of training
* Company Profile
* Products of BENTEX
* Quality Policy and processes of BENTEX
* Electricity meter
* Direct current (DC)
* Alternating current (AC)
* Unit of measurement
* Others Unit of measurement
* Types of meters
1. Electromechanical meters
2. Electronic meters
* Communication
* Solid - state design
* Multiple tariff (variable rate) meters
* Domestic usage
* United kingdom
* Commercial usage
* Appliance energy meters
* In - home energy use display
* Smart meters
* Prepayment meters
* Time of day metering
* Power export metering
* Ownership
* Location
* Customer drop and metering equation
* Tempering and security
* Self evaluation
I am very thankful to Mr. A.K. shrivastava (GM/ SPD) for providing
Me the opportunity to undergo the practical training in the Systems
Production Division (SPD) of SKN Bentex Limited under the
Supervision of Mr. S.C. Gupta (CM). They all guided me from time to time and gave me dynamic ideas and suggestions by which I am able to complete my training successfully.
I also want to thank all the visible and non-visible hands, which helped me to complete the practical training with great success.
Introduction of training
Training is a process of learning. Training is an organized procedure during which people learn knowledge and skill for the definite purpose.
It is a short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure in which non-managerial personnel learn technical knowledge and skills for adefinite purpose. It refers to instruction in technical and