References: Andersen, V. (2007, March). Atkins diet vindicated? Well, maybe. The Atlanta-Journal-Constitution. Retrieved March 25, 2007, from…
b) Janine made this statement: “… if your brain doesn’t get carbs—well, glucose, anyway—you get really cranky. You have to have enough carbs.” Find out if Janine is right. How does the nervous system use glucose?…
A few pros would have to be, Foods can be modified to have more essential vitamins and nutrients, or simply taste better. By doing this, the increase in variety, and convenience for foods allows others to get their needed vitamins, and nutrients from just plants rather than having to buy supplements. Genetically modified foods are part of our daily diet and reassuringly enough appear to be quite healthy for us. Some would see this as a plus because everyone is looking for new ways to be healthier and GMO's give you that option. There are no known health risks so it is a matter of belief whether or not you want to trust in genetically modified foods. If you are willing to try GMO's then you will be surprised to see that the downsides are very…
The smell of warm, baked bread and fresh apples fills the air and sends crowds drifting towards it. Swarms of people immediately hustle to find the target of the scent in a rush to purchase the food. The locavore movement is a movement based on food that is produced locally, and has not traveled long distances to markets. It is gingerly reforming how food is being flourished and provided to people in America. The locavore movement is beneficial to economic and environmental associations; therefore, the practice of locavorism should be espoused nationally.…
“We’re on the paleo diet,” two of my former male co-workers said back in 2013 as they were sitting down to eat on our lunch break. Four massively poached eggs wiggled on each of their plates along with two sides stacked with bacon. I remember staring at them with a look of concern, and a bit of disgust since I cannot stomach eggs myself. When I asked what the heck a paleo diet was, one of them laughed like I had asked what 2 + 2 equaled.…
The Paleo a.k.a the caveman diet is a very unique diet that many people have stumbled upon.…
Many stereotypes have become associated with veganism. It is said to be extreme because of the politics that are involved with vegan’s voices and dollars. Vegans abstain from wearing leather, fur, wool, pearls or anything that comes from an animal meaning they shop alternatively. They buy clothes and shoes made from plant materials such as hemp which are manufactured in an ethical form. There is substantial advocacy for animals online and in city streets with explicit images of what goes on behind the veil of these big food industries. These advocating vegetarians and vegans can come off as bold and overbearing. Their messages are loud though, most of the vegan culture does not devote to dedication such as theirs. Although the production of…
I would like to begin my essay by telling the story of the Golden Rice GMO. “Right now, across the world, a quarter of a billion preschool-age children are suffering from vitamin A deficiency. Every year, 250,000 to 500,000 of these kids go blind. Within a year, half of the blinded children will die. Much of the affliction is in Southeast Asia, where people rely on rice for their nutrition. Rice doesn’t have enough beta carotene—the compound that, when digested, produces vitamin A. About twenty-five years ago, a team of scientists set out to solve this problem. Their plan was to engineer a new kind of rice that would make beta carotene. (Make a GMO that caused rice to produce Vitamin A) This was a sustainable solution. It would use biotechnology to prevent suffering, disability, and death. In 1999 they…
The Hiwi Diet is different from the Paleo diet in different ways. One way is that Hiwi Diet may contain processed food, which is usually avoided by Paleodieters. Also, the Hiwi Diet includes food that are not included in the Paleo Diet, such as turtle, iguana, lizards, rabits, etc. Based on what I’ve read, Hiwi’s consume whatever is easily attainable to them…
This is the omnivore’s dilemma. This problem is amplified in America, a melting pot of diverse people without a single unified culture. Supposed experts advise a smoothie-only diet, to skip every other meal, or other extreme, often unsupported solutions. With all kinds of differing opinions on the best diet, how can anyone decide on what to eat? Utterly perplexed by this longstanding dilemma, Michael Pollan set out to figure it out himself. His hands-on approach begins with research about the composition of food, and moves onto thoroughly analyzing each aspect of the industrial food chain, the industrial organic food chain, the hunter-gatherer method, and small, local farms.…
While I already knew that I eat a lot of food, what I did not realize was how much of the food I eat is packaged. In the tables 1 and 2, I put everything that was a local food into a bold font. It was only one item for each week, four brats the first week and three the second. They are from a local meet market, but even they are not very sustainable. Meat is very resource intensive to produce. Many more pounds of grain are fed to the animals to fatten them up than we get in return as meat. According to Lester Brown (2011), 35% of the world’s grain harvest each year goes towards making animal protein. Brown (2011, pg. 173) also states, “With cattle in feedlots, it takes roughly 7 pounds of grain to produce a 1-pound gain in live weight. For…
We must all now be familiar with the Atkins Diet. Of all of the 'trend' diets that move through our popular culture, none has caused as much interest or controversy. Put forward by the late Dr. Robert Atkins in the 70's, the diet that has caused a storm is continuing to acquire both dedicated followers and severe opponents both within and without the medical community.…
When the researchers started their first experiment. They started with 300 people from Norway House Cree, with selected 125 people to receive vitamin and mineral. They also found out that the people were living on less than 1,500 calories per day. They were wanted to figure out about human vitamin and mineral requirements. Because in 1940’s a lot of researchers…
Would you like to eat cleanly and simply while meeting your body’s nutritional needs? Then cut out processed food and adopt the Paleolithic way of eating. This was the way early humans, who were hunters and gatherers, ate. The paleo diet is a simpler and healthier way of eating.…
How can one person can save 33,000 gallons of water a month? Some may say it is impossible, but the answer is simple - vegetarianism. A vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat of any kind. There are many reasons a person may decide to go vegetarian including ethical, health, or environmental. Vegetarians can be traced back into early history but, in today’s world, vegetarianism is on the rise as a concern for climate change is too. Major portions of the population are taking a stance against meat producing industries and changing their diets. Meat production is a huge contributor to pollution and climate change. Eating meat can also have a toll on one’s health. In order to change the course of rapid climate change, the population has…