trust and feel at ease, while non-therapeutic exchange of information and ideas causes clients to feel annoying and untrusting and builds barriers barring communication between counselor and client. Pfeiffer (1998) refers to communication like the refraction of sun rays. Depending on the position of the two planets the emissions or communications are distorted by the conditions of the medium. Consequently, the verbal and nonverbal messages that “we send to one another are often refracted by intrapersonal, interpersonal, and environmental conditions that contribute to the atmosphere in which we are relating” (Pfeiffer, 1998, p. 1). Therefore, counselors must always be aware where the distortion is coming from the sender or receiver. Hutchinson (2015) emphases counselors to apply empathy as a way for the counselor to remain engaged with their clients. Empathy allows the counselor listen for both obvious and hidden content in an unbiased mindset.
My communication strength centers on my nonverbal skills. An example would be body position and eye contact with an individual. These attributes, send a clear message that the client is the center of my attention. Equally important is ensuring my messages are not distorted by giving not out mixed messages verbally or symbolically that may distort what the clients’ heard because of the their needs and experiences are searching for something to resist.