To experience the challenges of a medical career, I arranged placements in a paediatric department, a Child Development Clinic and a health trainer programme. Through multidisciplinary team meetings, I learnt the importance of teamwork, as well as the shared responsibilities of various healthcare professionals in the management of children. Whilst shadowing both a hospital doctor and a GP, the need for a compassionate, composed demeanour was constantly apparent. This was highlighted during neonatal examinations for cataracts and jaundice as, despite time constraints, doctors took care to placate worried parents before moving on. …show more content…
This experience helped me to develop the independent thinking skills and initiative necessary for academic study. Here, I explored medical ideas by applying my knowledge to new concepts, for example looking at the chemistry behind chirality and how in drugs, chiral compounds can harm the body. This motivated me to research this area, most recently through a Big Picture magazine on drug development, which gave a refreshingly balanced view of pharmaceuticals. My experience also encouraged me towards self-directed learning and I subsequently began AS level Biology at